Weekly summary of what is happening in the Jericho Valley and other parts of the West Bank | Reports and reactions to moves by the government and the international community
During the Hanukkah holiday, settlers from illegal outposts intensified their raids on the residential areas of shepherding communities in Ras al-’Ain and Ma`arajat. They did not hesitate to attack human rights activists who were there in order to assist residents by escorting their flocks and providing protective presence. Over the week, there were 12 incursions by settlers with herds of sheep and camels into the courtyards of village homes. During these raids, thefts of food and water purchased for Palestinian livestock were documented. Complaints filed with the police regarding herd invasions, assaults, and harassment of activists were not addressed.
Cutting off drinking water pipes in Maarjat, smashing a car window, destruction and destruction in the village of Khirbet Zanuta — Summary of Settlers' Riots in the Holiday of Sukkot