The Ancient Communities of Masfar Yatta

The sword of expulsion is once again hoisted over the heads of the herding communities in Masfar Yatta. The Israeli military regime spares no efforts in order to make the lives of residents in southern Mount Hebron unbearable. From administrative demolitions and the demolition of houses and wells to water deprivation and forced deportations, the occupation forces are trying to cleanse the region of its Palestinian residents. Along with all this, Jewish terror of the settlers, under the auspices of the IDF and the police, has become commonplace in the area.

In the face of all this, the sons and daughters of the ancient communities in Masfar Yatta cling to their lands, hoping that their historical rights will be recognized and that their deep roots, traditional way of life and unique culture will triumph over oppression and dispossession.

More information - Selected publications

Numerous studies and position papers have been conducted on the communities of South Mount Hebron, Mabken, and the conduct of the State of Israel. On this page we have compiled the important documents for familiarization with the topic.‣ Comprehensive Report on the Mass Deportations of 1999 - B'Tselem‣ Report on Recent and Pending Evacuations in Massapur Yata Including Shooting Zone 918 - Thawra Aukhdeir‣ SOCIAL REPORT: THE LIFESTYLES OF HERDING SEGMENTS COMMUNITIES IN A FIELD OF FIRE 918 - Hartmann margin‣ Social Report on the Impact of Renewable Energy Systems in Palestinian Communities in Southern Mount Hebron - Hartmann margin‣ Testimonies of soldiers in the south of Mount Hebron - Breaking the Silence (English)‣ Health Impact of Israeli Measures to Forcibly Evacuate Several Yatta Residents - Report Doctors Without Borders (English)

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