The tenure of Herzi Halevi as Chief of Staff was characterized by a complete lack of control over what is done in Judea and Samaria. The army, from the commander of the Judea and Samaria Division down to several brigade commanders in the area, turned into loyal militias of the settlement movement. Did the Chief of Staff know about the army’s blatant violations of the law under his command, or did he simply fail to see it?
Overcome the Nationalistic Fixation. There are two peoples living here; either they'll get along with each other or they'll murder one another- there's no middle path. Member of Knesset Odeh writes: "I see and hurt the suffering of both peoples."
The national-liberal right of Menahem Begin has become a nationalistic-fascistic right and the political center has captured the place of the 'Patriotic' right. That's how the center plays into the hands of Netanyahu, who enjoys the lack of opposition and protest. The left must distance itself from what we today call center. It must declare its willingness to walk hand in hand with the peace, democracy and equality wishers, Jews and Arabs. That is worth at least 25 parliament seats.
The terror settlers inflict upon Palestinian communities, the bullying and force applied against protesters demanding the release of hostages - these are two sides of the same phenomenon. We must stop it, and there is only one way to do so
In his acceptance speech of the Leibowitz prize for his years-long struggle against the occupation, Guy Hirschfeld called for all those who seek a democratic and egalitarian state “to think in terms of civil disobedience in the service of democracy; the time has come to put aside the values and ideals, partly because the other side laughs at us and sees it (with some merit) as weakness.”
All restraints have been lifted; a biblical ideology has taken over the IDF. Obliterate the memory of Amalek, eliminate the Seven Nations. There are no innocents. Everyone is an enemy.
The “Public Protection Against Criminal Organizations Act”, passed by a majority of 32 with no opposition, is one more step in the government’s efforts to strengthen its ability to suffocate the freedom of its opponents. The arrest of Andrey Khrzhanovskiy and the harassment of the people who shot a firework in Caesarea teach us where the government is heading.
“You went into Gaza to take revenge as much as possible, against women and children, in everything you saw, that's what you wanted. And on this day, a year after Simchat Torah, when we thought we had already slaughtered the enemy, slaughtered them all, expelled them from the land, we are here at your funeral.”