What Smotrich* Calls “An Antisemitic Lie”

Ras Al-Ein, the southern Palestinian Jordan Valley, Saturday, February 3, 2024, morning. On the sacred Sabbath, wearing their festive white shirts, armed colonists come down and invade the sheep pens in order to steal the sheep belonging to the Palestinian shepherd community.

February 3, 2024

Ras Al-Ein, the southern Palestinian Jordan Valley, Saturday, February 3, 2024, morning.

On the sacred Sabbath, wearing their festive white shirts, armed colonists come down and invade the sheep pens in order to steal the sheep belonging to the Palestinian shepherd community.

All of this happens in full knowledge of the ‘security’ forces, who have been informed.

Thus, under the aegis of Israeli police and army, under shots fired in the air, booty is robbed. A single sheep that supposedly has been “robbed”,  returned to its "owner", a colonist from an illegal outpost.

Colonist terrorism is not an “antisemitic” campaign, but everyday reality in which the illegal outpost colonists carry out ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian shepherd communities.

*Bezalel Smotrich, Minister of Finance, the leader of the National Religious Party – Religious Zionism.

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